Las Pruebas de Ovulación y de fertilidad

Fertility Monitors & OPKs

When trying to get pregnant, fertility monitors and ovulation predictor kits are tools that help to identify the optimal time in your cycle to conceive. Each woman might have different health needs; these needs require different tools like an ovulation calculator. Here are some things to consider when measuring fertility during your cycle.

How does the ovulation test work?

Fertility monitors and OPKs help women to identify the point in their cycles when pregnancy is most likely. Here is a look at some of the most common test types.

  • Urine Tests - Before fertility, the amount of luteinizing hormone increases and triggers ovulation. These tests check for surges of LH in the urine. Results show as colored bands or digital symbols that will indicate whether an LH surge has occurred.
  • Saliva Tests - Spit normally dries in blobs. During and after ovulation, spit dries in a fern-like pattern. This is because there is more salt in saliva when estrogen levels rise. When the saliva dries, the leftover salt will crystallize in a fern pattern. Salivary ferning kits use a portable microscope to check for this pattern and help determine a woman’s fertility window.

How do you use fertility tests?

All methods come with directions, but here are a few suggestions that may help.

  • LH tests should be performed throughout a one-month period between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. The ideal time is thought to be between 2 and 2:30 p.m. If you cannot take it at this time, try to take it at the same time every day. Do not take right after waking up, and limit liquid before test time. The liquid can dilute the results. Read tests within 10 minutes for the most accurate results.
  • Salivary kits should be used in the morning before eating or drinking. Put a small amount on a slide without air bubbles. Let it dry before comparing with the provided examples.

When are you most fertile?

Ovulation refers to the time in a cycle when an egg is released for fertilization. Pregnancy is most likely not during this time but in the days before. The two days before ovulation are the best time for getting pregnant each month.

What should you consider when choosing a test type?

  • Your lifestyle during a given month - Are you busier in the morning or throughout the day?
  • Comfort level with each test - If you are used to taking pregnancy tests, you might be comfortable with LH surge tests compared to salivary tests.
  • Other methods - You might be using other methods for monitoring health and fertility when trying to get pregnant, like an ovulation calculator or chart. Consider which tests will work in conjunction with what you are already doing.

How do the Clearblue Fertility Monitor and Ovulation Test work?

  • The Clearblue Ovulation Test checks for an LH surge. Clearblue often includes multiple tests to increase the chances of finding when pregnancy is most likely. Tests do not have health risks, but kits like this are helpful for women with irregular cycles.
  • The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is another option that monitors two fertility hormones. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor also generates a calendar for tracking your cycle.