Zenza Bronica

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Capture Beautiful Pictures with a Zenza Bronica Camera

Long before there were digital cameras, people were capturing moments through the magic of 35mm film photography. While the image quality wasn't always what it is today, retro is cool again, and people are stepping back into the medium format world.

Zenza Bronica was a Japanese brand of film cameras known for their medium format and LSR models. You can still find many of their cameras on eBay. Types of photography their cameras are suitable for include portrait, landscape, fashion, and vintage style. If you're looking for a vintage camera for sale, check out the collection of Bronica Zenza medium format film cameras for sale on eBay.

What are common features in Zenza Bronica cameras?

Features vary based on model, but some features you can find in this brand of film cameras include:

  • Adjustable bellows - Some of the brand's medium-format cameras have bellows you can adjust for focusing.
  • Gear advance mechanism - Some models feature a gear advance mechanism that helps prevent film from jamming when you advance it.
  • Multiple film format compatibility - Many models are compatible with more than one type of film format, giving you greater flexibility.
  • Cubic body - A lot of the brand's models are designed with a cubic body for ergonomics and versatility.

What are some options in Zenza Bronica cameras?

Zenza Bronica has several series of film cameras, such as the ETR series, SQ series, and GS series. Some specific models you may be interested in are:

  • ETRS - The ETRS model has open spaces on the top and back where you can attach various types of viewfinders and film backs like metered prism, prism, 120, and 220. Its film crank is removable as well, allowing for another option in customization.
  • S2A - You can use deep-seated lenses with the S2A. It also features a gear advance mechanism, forward-and-down mirror motion, and the ability to swap film backs without adjusting its shutter settings. You can also use a wide range of lenses with this camera from 40mm to 600mm.
  • GS-1 - The GS-1 is an SLR camera that takes 6- x 7-cm format. It features TTL flash metering, an LED display, an electronic shutter, and compatibility with multiple viewfinders, focusing prisms, and film backs.

What should you look for when choosing a used camera?

Choosing used cameras lets you save money and experiment with different types of cameras to find what suits your photography style. eBay has several options for used Zenza Bronica cameras. When choosing a used camera, you should carefully read the product and condition descriptions.

Some offerings offer only digital storage, while 35mm film cameras rely on traditional film to take their pictures. Listings may include accessories for Zenza Bronica cameras at varying prices, while others include non-functional cameras for use for parts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Zenza Bronica Cameras

Can the Zenza Bronica use digital backs?

Some models of the Zenza Bronica, such as the SQ-Ai and ETRSi, are compatible with digital backs, allowing photographers to use these cameras with digital sensors instead of film.

How is the Zenza Bronica different from 35mm cameras?

The Zenza Bronica uses a larger film format than 35mm cameras, resulting in higher image quality and greater detail. Additionally, the Bronica is a modular system, allowing photographers to change lenses, viewfinders, and other components to suit their needs.

Does the Zenza Bronica have a built-in light meter?

No, the Zenza Bronica does not have a built-in light meter. Photographers using this camera typically use handheld light meters or rely on the Sunny 16 rule for exposure settings.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Zenza Bronica.