Wood Camera In Vintage Folding Cameras

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Add a Vintage Wooden Folding Camera to Your Photography Collection

Folding cameras with rigs of wood can make great additions to a vintage photography equipment collection. Many of these devices are available in serviceable condition on eBay. Exploring the various options you can choose from can help you find the wooden camera rig that meets your needs or preferences.

Can you get wooden camera rigs in various dimensions?

The dimensions for most wooden devices match the size of the film they use and the photos they produce. eBay can help you sort through the various wooden rigs that are available to you and find the one that takes your favorite type of film. The industry refers to film measurements as gauges. These gauges appear in millimeters and denote the width of the photographic film.

What parts come with wooden camera rigs?

Vintage wooden cameras include all the basic functions of any photographic equipment, but they may use unique parts to take photos. You can explore a range of accessories that help these rigs function as intended. Some of the basic parts you will find with your purchase are listed here:

  • Lenses- Most rigs include lenses. Lenses for a device can vary by type and usually include numbers that tell you the size of their aperture. This aperture lets light through to make your photos clear.
  • Film plate- Vintage wooden cameras often use a special plate made of glass to hold the film during your photography sessions. A small door closes around the film plate when the camera is in use.
  • Control arm- This accessory can help you make adjustments to the focus of the lens aperture.
How does a wooden camera rig focus the lens?

Most of these vintage items use special bellows to make adjustments to the lens. The bellows may be available in various colors depending on the model you choose. This accessory resembles an accordion, and it can move back and forth in tandem with the lens. The bellows moves the lens to change the focal plane. This action helps the device bring your subject into sharp focus for clear photographing. Some cameras can use their bellows to correct for visual distortions or aberrations as well.

Can you get wooden camera rigs with various designs?

Some of these items include unique design elements that may appeal to you. A few of the most common designs are described here:

  • Standard- These are regular wooden rigs in their natural state.
  • Art déco- The surfaces of some rigs have designs done in this particular style.