Shotgun Barrel Parts for Winchester

Winchester Shotgun Barrel Parts - A Guide for Shotgun Enthusiasts

Winchester shotguns have a long history of quality, reliability, and craftsmanship. From the firing tube to the stock, each rifle tells a story, and there have been many over the company's 100-plus years. Due to the high availability of each model, finding affordable replacement components is relatively easy, especially on eBay.

What types of Winchester shotguns firing tubes can you find?

When it comes to gun parts, the firing tube design can have a lot of varieties. In most situations, Winchester produces two iconic types:

  • Single-barrel: These are typically either pump or automatic, and Winchester has several models like the Super X Pump. The company has a long history with this type of orientation, and they even crafted a lever-action product more than a hundred years ago.
  • Double-barrel: This is one of the most famous variations for a shotgun. There are two subconfigurations for these gun parts: over-and-under and side-by-side.

What is a shotgun magazine tube extension?

In many cases, shotguns from this manufacturer and others can hold two to five shells. It's possible to hold up to 12 shells at a time with a magazine tube extension on some models. These extensions attach to the magazine tubes that are under the firing tube. This is a great way to add some ammunition to your Winchester so that you'll have almost as many shots as a rifle when you're out duck hunting.

Are magazine extension tubes easy to install?

One of the coolest features of one of these gun parts is that they are easy to place on the end of your magazine tube. In fact, you can simply screw them into this part of the shotgun, at least on most models. You will also have to install a spring to help the shells load into the main chamber of your shotgun as you fire.

How do you maintain a shotgun barrel?

In many situations, you'll need to clean the threads on the inside of the firing tube periodically so that it doesn't degrade. The cleaning process is simple. To clean these important shotgun parts, completely remove the barrel and apply an aerosol powder solvent or degreaser. Once this is done, simply use a bore snake to clean the inner surface.

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