Road & Track Automobile Magazines

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Road and Track Automobile Magazine Back Issues

Road & Track Magazine is a periodical that provides readers with a variety of different types of content. Issues of the magazine discuss various models of car and their specifications.

What content is featured in this magazine?

Fans of Road and Track Magazine can read many different kinds of articles:

  • Reviews: The magazine regularly features reviews on vehicles such as Acura, Bugatti, Corvette, Jaguar, or Porsche. These articles discuss the specifications and driving abilities of each automotive model.
  • Buyer's Guides: There are also tips on how to buy new and pre-owned vehicles and advanced release knowledge on new cars.
  • Driver's Tips: These can be articles about places to take road trips or suggestions on how to drive during tricky or dangerous situations.
  • Repair and Modification: This offers advice on how to repair a car to OEM condition, to add modern modifications to older vehicles, or do other repair, upgrade, and maintenance work.
When was Road and Track published?

The earliest publication of Road and Track came in the early 1940s. The debut issue included a variety of information on multiple types of cars. Road and Track has been published through many eras of vehicles, including during the muscle car era of the '70s and the '80s. While paper publications are still the main format for this magazine, you can also find digital editions.

How has Road and Track magazine evolved?

Fans of Road and Track have seen the magazine change over time with different editorial direction. In the early days, it was mostly reviews of new and old cars. However, it has expanded to include advertisements for new autos on the market and even a broad variety of accessories.

Beyond the digital versions of this magazine, you can also pick up Road and Track DVDs. Each disc contains a set series of issues of this magazine. The disc may be based on a certain date range, like all the issues from one decade or all the issues from the muscle car years, or it can be a disc that is based on a theme, like all issues that feature a Ford Mustang.

Which special issues of Road and Track are available?

Road and Track will offer a special issue about once per year. Some of the unique issues of this magazine that are available for collectors include a 1954 Road and Track that discussed the Firebird and MG. This issue outlines these new autos in detail and gives drivers the chance to better understand what features they offer.