Los cables USB con alimentación, hubs y adaptadores

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Power for the Peripherals: The Powered USB Hub

These days, USB is the format of choice when it comes to connecting peripherals, charging phones, and transferring data. For this reason, you may have a few issues with having enough USBs on your computer, which is why the powered USB hub is very useful. With one of these items, you can keep your phone charged and connect your other electronics with ease.

What makes a powered USB hub useful?

Unlike non-powered USB hubs, you can get a much higher amount of electricity from a powered device. For example, if you have ever tried to charge a cell phone on a desktop or laptop, in many cases, you won't get a fast charge rate. With a powered USB hub, you can achieve the same charging rate that you would experience if you had plugged your charging cable directly into the wall. Additionally, devices that charge as well as connect to your computer for data can use these hubs seamlessly.

Are there vertical versions of this kind of product?

Yes. For those who are lacking space, there are powered USB 2.0 and 3.0 hubs that simply stack the connectors atop one another. In fact, some of these can have even more USB connectors due to the fact that there can be slots in both the back and the front of the device. These models also usually include LED indicators, which can help you determine if the USBs are providing power to your devices.

What is the advantage of a powered USB 3.0 hub?

If you're going to be doing a lot of data transfers, it could be a good idea to seek out a USB hub with 3.0 or above technology since this is one of the most recent versions of USB on the market. Fortunately, finding an inexpensive AC powered USB hub with 3.0 technology can be easily done on platforms like eBay. 3.0 USB as compared to 2.0 USB is much faster, so if you're planning on transferring files, you can expect a data transfer rate of up to 5 gigabytes per second, which is very fast.
