Other Car & Truck Manuals & Literature for Chevrolet

Chevrolet Car and Truck Repair Manuals and Literature

If you have a Chevy car or truck, the repair manual for the model year of your vehicle contains important information. Chevy repair manuals are separated by each model, which include the Camaro, Caprice, Malibu, Silverado, and Corvette. Choosing the correct Chevy repair manual for your car will help you to make the most of your vehicle.

What do Chevrolet repair and service manuals contain?

  • Diagrams of parts: Chevrolet repair manuals contain diagrams of the parts of the car or truck. Some of the drawings may be more general and show much of the chassis, while others may offer a close-up look at the brake assembly, motor, or oil filter.
  • Tabbed or color-coded sections: Repair manuals for Chevrolets often have tabbed pages so that you can flip to the section of the manual you need to read. Color-coded sections are also available in repair manuals for Chevy pickups and sedans.
  • Durable covers and binding: Manuals often feature durable covers that stay intact even if you fold them or keep them in your Chevy's glove box or trunk. Bindings may be done with glue, staples, or thread to keep the pages attached to the cover. Manuals might also utilize spiral binding so that the book lays flat and stays open to the page that you are using.

How do you find a Chevrolet repair and service manual?

When you need to do repairs, the information you need might not be in the general owner's manual or service guide. Some of the books are specific to performing repairs and will include the part numbers, disassembly instructions, and a list of the tools that you need in order to make the repairs. Generally, you can find manuals in more than one way:

  • By the Chevrolet vehicle's model: Select the manual that corresponds to the model Chevrolet that you have. Some of the manuals for repairing Chevrolet automobiles cover more than one model.
  • By your Chevy's model year: Manuals may cover one or more model years. Because the manufacturer may make significant changes, changing the engine braking system, it is important to choose the manuals that include your automobile's year of production.

Here, you can find thousands of digital manuals from Haynes; a Chevrolet car and truck online manual is only a click away and can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

What information is contained in Chevrolet repair manuals?

Repair manuals typically include the details about each part of the Chevrolet vehicle you own. In the section about the engine, the manual may describe each type of hose, gasket, fastener it uses. It may also detail all of the major components, such as the spark plugs, pistons, crankshaft, cylinder, valves, and connecting rod. The manual guides you through where on the chassis or engine block each part is located and how it should be removed and reassembled. The book also provides you with the specifications for ordering replacement parts.