Nintendo Wii NTSC-J Japan Video Games

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All About Nintendo Wii Games

The Nintendo Wii is one of the most successful video game consoles in history. It has a huge selection of games that appeal to longtime gamers, newcomers, and families. The available games range across many different genres and ratings levels.

What is the ESRB rating for Wii games?

The ESRB is the Entertainment Software Ratings Board. They give software ratings based on their content similar to movie ratings like PG, PG13, and R. The Wii has lower-level ratings than many of its competitors. Many games have either an E for Everyone or a T for Teen rating. A smaller group has an M for Mature rating. The rating for each game will also contain a specific list of the content that led to that rating so that parents have the most information possible. The ratings are as follows:

  • E for Everyone: Appropriate for all ages.
  • T for Teen: Contains some content that may not be appropriate for young children, such as violence or mature themes.
  • M for Mature: The highest rating typically given for mainstream games. Contains strong violence, explicit themes, and other content that is not suitable for children or adolescents.
What genres of games are there for the Wii?

The Wii boasts a long list of genres based on the many different developers and publishers who have created content for the console. The list includes action/adventure, arcade, side-scrolling beat em up, board game, casino, education and family, fighting, fitness, hack and slash, music, party, platformer, puzzle, trivia, racing, role-playing game, shooter, simulator, sports, and strategy. Some of these are more plentiful than others. The console tends to have fewer shooters and more fitness titles than other consoles.

What is an NTSC-J Wii game?

NTSC is a standard for video display. In video gaming, it refers to the type of technology that sends the consoles signal to the television. It is important because different world regions use different standards. The U.S. uses NTSC, Japan uses NTSC-J, and much of the rest of the world uses PAL. For the purposes of the Wii, any game marketed as being from Japan or as using NTSC-J will only work on a Wii that was built for the Japanese market. They will not play on the US or European Wii. This is called \"region locking.\" To play an NTSC-J Wii game in the U.S., you will need to find an import-model Japanese Wii and set the language settings to English or find a way to modify the software of a U.S. Wii to remove region locking.

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