Key Blanks for Dodge Ram 1500

Dodge Ram 1500 Key Blanks

Youre going to need a key to operate your Dodge Ram. Having key blanks will make it easier to obtain the number of keys you need. By learning more about blanks, you can get what you need.

What are key blanks?

Key blanks are keys that will go into the ignition of a Ram 1500. They are generic in the fact that they have not been cut for a specific tumbler or ignition switch. If the key is not cut properly for your truck, then it wont start. By obtaining a blank, you can then have it cut to fit your Ram.

What are reasons to have extra keys?

When you buy a Ram 1500, it will often come with two keys. If you bought your truck used, you may have only had one given to you by the dealership. Either way, there are a few reasons to have extra keys, which include the following:

  • You can give a key to other family members.
  • When necessary, you can issue one to each employee.
  • You can relax knowing you have a spare available at home.
How are the keys cut?

Keys are cut using special machines. If you have a key already cut, it can be used as a template. Otherwise, the tumbler or ignition switch will need to be used in order to ensure that the teeth are cut to fit properly. The machine will grind away at the key blank in order to fit the desired shape. Burrs are then buffed away to prevent jagged edges on the metal.

What are some of the features?

Keys to a Dodge can vary dramatically based on the features that are in your truck as well as the manufacturers that produce keys. You will want to choose features that work well for your needs, so consider the following:

  • Plastic bow with logo
  • Included fob for keyless entry
  • Ignition switch lock included
How do you buy key blanks?

When you need to have a replacement or spare key made, its important to review a few details. It will make it easier to find a key that will fit your Dodge Ram properly.

  • Model year: The model year of your Ram 1500 will impact the size and shape of the key.
  • Quantity: Determine how many blanks you need.
  • Features: Review the features that you want to have.
  • Kit: You can find key blanks that come with an ignition key switch lock cylinder to make a complete replacement if you have lost your existing key.