Diesel Air Compressors & Blowers

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Store Air for Energy Using Diesel Air Compressors and Blowers

eBay sells several affordable models of diesel-powered compressors and blowers. You can use this equipment for applications when other power sources or options might not be available. Understanding how these compressors maintain pressure, their CFM ratings, and their other features may help you find the model that fits your needs.

What types of compressors are there?

Some compressors have various ways of performing their tasks. You may wish to purchase a specific type of compressor depending on how you plan to use it and the overall duration for which you need to operate it. eBay may offer two primary types of compressors:

  • Rotary screw: This equipment uses two helix screws that mesh together to compress air. There are only two moving parts in this machine, and they do not come into contact with each other. You may wish to use this compressor type for continuous operations.
  • Reciprocating: A crankshaft and a series of pistons move to compress air inside this machine. There are several moving parts in a reciprocating compressor. You may wish to use one of these for intermittent duties.
How do you measure a compressor's power rating?

A compressor's power rating may help you determine how effectively it will perform tasks for you. The CFM rating refers to how many cubic feet of air per minute the unit can take in and compress. Some labels may refer to CFM as airflow. Common CFM ratings include 185, 250, and 750. The other way manufacturers might measure the efficiency of their compressors is via horsepower. Some horsepower readings you might find include the following:

  • 5.5 to 10
  • 10.5 to 30
  • 30.5 to 50
  • 50.5 to 100
How can you care for a compressor?

You may wish to check your compressor to see if there are any problems that require maintenance. Preventive care may help you maintain your equipment in good operating condition. Here are some general maintenance tips:

  • Leaks: Check around the unit for any leaks that may be lowering the pressure or releasing oil.
  • Condensation: You may occasionally need to drain excess condensation from the interior of the unit.
  • Temperature: Your compressor needs to stay within a safe operating temperature range. Rotary compressors operate between 80 and 99 degrees Celsius. Reciprocating models reach temperatures between 150 and 200 degrees Celsius.