Bike Covers

Bike Covers

Bike covers are designed to protect the bike from dust or weather conditions. Bike covers also help to keep the bike from rusting. Here on eBay, you can find a wide range of bike covers from leading brands including Oxford, Challenge, Decathlon and Rolson. Each brand has specific covers to suit different types of bike.

Outdoor Covers

Outdoor bike covers are incredibly durable. They are designed to protect the bike from any outdoor elements, including sun, wind, rain and snow. Most outdoor covers are made out of polyester or a polyester blend. They sometimes come with an elasticated bottom which allows a snug fit around the pedals and wheels. It is also possible for bike outdoor covers to come with eyelets so a lock can be used to secure the bike to the bike cover. Outdoor bike covers are incredibly versatile and they are also available in a huge range of colors.

Dust Covers

Dust covers are much lighter when compared to outdoor covers. They are intended for use indoors, this is to protect the bike from scratches and dust. Dust covers also help to keep chain oil from getting on your clothes and they are ideal if you need to store your bike indoors.

Outdoor Bike Tent

Outdoor bike tents are much larger when compared to outdoor covers and dust covers. Bike tents are designed to house more than just bikes and can also be used to store helmets and bike equipment. Outdoor tents are designed to be set up permanently however they can easily be packed down if required.

They have a polyester cover and can be locked if there are eyelets present. Outdoor bike tents protect your bike from all of the weather elements and also help to ensure that the bike is kept safe from thieves. Outdoor bike tents are usually green in color and are setup in-house gardens or yards.