Acer Laptop Batteries 5000 mAh Battery Capacity

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Finding a New Replacement Battery For Your Laptop

You can buy a new 5000 mAh battery for your Acer laptop if your old one has died out or you need a backup. Several points should go into your plans for finding one of these batteries.

What Model Does It Work On?

Be sure that the Acer battery you order is capable of working in your laptop. The design of the battery should fit into the inside of the computer while also being capable of staying intact without coming loose.

How Much Capacity?

Be aware of the capacity of the battery you order. You can find a 5000-mAh unit for use on your computer. This should provide you with several hours of power, although the amount of time you can use the battery for on one charge will vary based on what you do with the computer.

Also, most of these 5000-mAh units should have an 11.1-V charge. This allows for enough power to go into the computer while still being easy to charge up when needed.

It may also take a few hours to get the battery charged up all the way. This timing is due to the immense capacity of the power unit.

How Will You Replace It?

The process for getting a new Acer battery ready will vary based on the model you use. There are a few points that might need to be utilized when getting the battery installed correctly:

  • You would have to remove all the screws from the bottom part of the laptop. This is to give you access to the inside part of the computer. The screws vary in length, so make sure you take a note of the specific spaces where you would add the screws into when putting the computer back together.
  • There should be a ribbon connector that links to the battery. You would have to pull it outward to get the unit off of the motherboard, although you must be cautious when doing this. Avoid pulling it out all the way or else the setup might be at risk of harm.
  • A few smaller screws may link the power unit to the motherboard. You would have to remove those screws to get the power source out so you can replace the part all the way.

Don't forget that you would need a spudger for getting the layout opened up. A Phillips #00 screwdriver should also be utilized, what with the screws inside of the computer being very small in size and easy to lose.

The effort you put into getting your replacement ready should be easy to follow. It can take about 15 to 20 minutes to get the battery installed.